This is a fantastic read that gave me lots of new choices to address getting older while staying my best in energy levels, hormone levels, and with hair and skin. I’m often intrigued how the Asian sciences are applied, giving a more holistic approach and this gives a wealth of information about that as well.

Laura M.

This is a unique resource for women who want information that goes beyond what all the other books have covered. It dives deep into organic tips, how to protect yourself from EMFs, Toxicity in our environment and how to ground yourself and heal many of your menopausal issues. Bravo to an author who talks about prevention, not just drugs!

C.Zimmerman M.A.T. MI

Remedies that work! I was not sure if this book was for me, but actually, I learned so much about menopause and what I can do for myself right now. There are multiple remedies in the book that are useful to me, and most of them are natural and are not expensive, like eating the right foods. Surprisingly, some of the best solutions cost nothing, like breathing right & meditation.

Jarka P.

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